Ring Sizes

Get your correct ring size. Most of the rings from my shop are made to measure so it would be really great if you knew your size.

Get your ring size with a simple string

You can measure your ring size using either string or, perhaps a more common item in your home, floss. Take one of these measurement tools and wrap it around the base of your finger, marking where the string or floss first overlaps with a pen. Then, line that up with a ruler and take down its length in millimeters.

With standard ring sizes, every half-size matches up to a 0.4 millimeter increment, starting with size 3 equaling 14 mm, size 3.5 equal to 14.4 mm, size 4 equal to 14.8 mm, and so on. Common ring sizes for women are 6 (16.5 mm), 6.5 (16.9 mm), and 7 (17.3 mm). For men, the most common sizes are 10 (19.8 mm), 10.5 (20.2 mm), and 11 (20.6 mm).

credit: realsimple.com

The ring size chart above should tell you how many millimeters the matching circle is as well as what ring size that measurement correlates to.

There is one caveat with this method: String and floss can stretch, so try not to force your measuring tool too taut. If you do, your measured ring finger size may be larger than your finger actually is, and any rings you purchase may be too big.

Also, if you know your size in other measurement system, here's a way you can easily convert it:

P.s. Always mention the measurement system for your ring size so you will end up 100% with your perfect size.